Friday, April 6, 2012


First of all,
Some assmonkey decided to stick a screwdriver or something sharp in my mom's tire!!! Thanks a lot! Seriously, if you are that bored go masturbate or something! Why take part in senseless vandalism???

I guess this is what we get for going to Wal-Mart...

/end rant

In other news,
Thanks to my ADHD and Depression medications, I have found the motivation to tell my fat to go to hell!
I hope it keeps. The longest I was ever on a fitness kick was two months. Then there was a gradual slowdown, and then not really giving a shit.

I am again using and their myPlate food diary!
Here is my profile!

Yesterday  I forgot to eat! Thank goodness I had my emergency salad in the fridge!

Busted out my WII Fit and gonna get my move on!  Wish me luck!!!

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