Monday, April 2, 2012

Daily Noms 4-2-2012

Breakfast was yoghurt!  
It is greek with blueberries on the bottom! It was yummy, but it didn’t fill me up. Tummy was rumbling until noon rolled around.

Since I was in crazy starvation mode, I had some beef and broccoli fried rice. Sadly it was much too salty, and I didn’t eat too much of it. I ate the beef and broccoli and egg, but that was all I cared to put in my mouth. I haven't had any pre-made food in a long time, and things are tasting weird...

I broke down after Mark got home and had four oreos…

Then at 8pm, I had four mini-butterfingers…

I didn’t eat much... I kind of ate crap…

Well tomorrow is a new day and I know I will do good! (I want eggs, bad!)

Does anyone here struggle with eating yummy, yummy things? I find that I have to keep myself occupied in order to not eat. If I get bored I NOM, and that is NOT good. Any tips?

Thank you for your time!
Stay beautiful!!!

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