Monday, October 15, 2012

The High Price of Bad Living

  • High cholesterol

  • High blood pressure

  • Depression

  • ADHD

  • Need more Omega-3’s

  • Need Multi-vitamin

  • Need B-Complex

To be honest this sucks… I HATE the fact that I have to take almost all of these pills! (some are for vanity only :D)
No I am not blaming anyone but myself for any of this. I just had no idea how bad it's gotten.

I went to the doctor a few weeks ago and got my blood work done. Last week I had my follow up appointment... Nothing really new about the high blood pressure but it had gone down, so yay! But he wants to keep me on my current dose. Well it's not setting me on fire, so why not!?!?

The thing that really scared me was that my cholesterol had gone up to the point of concern... Say what??? (goodbye yummy fried foods, I should have never met you in the first place) Oddly my good cholesterol was really high as well... Glass is half-full! (not really, but if I cant look on the brighter side, I would go crazy)

My heart... It's beating way too fast, but it is healthy and getting all necessary nutrients and is happy. It also turns out that I have a natural resistance to heart-disease! I was really surprised  But I do have a chance of a heart attack, a bit more that someone my age should. So I was put on a low dose coated aspirin. 

Turns out my Omega-3 fatty acids are super low, so he wants me to take 3 capsules a DAY! My hair is gonna look so good!

Also I am vitamin D deficient. So he gave me a super dose of it that I only take once a week. 

Onto the pictures and explanations!

  1. This is my vanity pill, it's Hair Skin & Nails, it tastes horrible, I choke on these on a daily basis... Sigh the price of beauty...
  2. Fish Oil! (2 of 3 for the day)
  3. Multi-Vitamin for the Ladies (why am I taking this then???)
  4. Losartan (100mg)
  5. Aspirin! It has a cute heart on it!
  6. Amlodipine (10mg)
  7. Pee Pills! Hydrochlorot(???) 12.5mg. They make me got potty a lot!
  8. Benazepril 20mg
  9. Birth Control! (did you know that women dont actually NEED to have periods???  No more period for me!!!)

  1. Fish Oil (last one of the day!)
  2. Fluoxetine 40 mg (keeps me not depressed, but I seem to be less creative)
  3. Astrovastatin 20mg (Cholesterol, makes me achy...)
  4. Hair and Nail and skin (yuck..)
  5. Straterra 100mg (it used to keep me super focused and my appetite down... it doesn't seem to be working anymore :(   )

The AM side and the PM side, quite overwhelming to look at...

The whole shebang... It sucks...

Basically, eat well and exercise! My biggest problem is eating when I am bored and not thinking about it. Whenever I eat I have to remember to stop myself and think, AM I REALLY HUNGRY??? Most of the time I am not. I HAVE to evaluate what my stomach is feeling VS what my brain is thinking. It is hard, especially if you are dumb enough to have junk in the house and just unconsciously eat while watching a movie or reading.

I am trying to battle unconscious eating by having portioned out snacks (max flavor, min calories and carbs!), or I have to MAKE something. 

When I have to make something my laziness wins out over my 'hunger' and I go find something shiny to distract myself with.
Wish me luck!

P.S. My daily carbohydrate intake is going through it's first reduction, 60 carbs a day. Also, when I eat I have to have it at less than 20% of my daily sodium. I am looking forward to strawberries in my salad tomorrow!!!

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