Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Weight, Weight, Don't Tell Me (pt.1)

I have to admit that I have a HUGE lazy streak. If there is an easy way to get around doing actual work, I already know about it.
( as I am writing this, I am staring open mouth at Gilmore Girls instead of actually writing… Why is Rory so damn cute??!?!? I wish I was that cute… I wish I could work like Lorelai… ugh!!!!)

It has gotten me into trouble on more than one occasion.

Sadly my laziness has given me the wonderful gift of obesity… I hate that word so much. Not just your regular, run of the mill obesity, no, the full on size 26 morbid obesity!!! I actually had hit around 312 at one point. I hate this so much. I like curves, but my curves are lumps, horrid bulging lumps.
I know enough not to go on fad diets, starvation or eating once every 15 minutes… Sucked bad…
First time I tried to starve myself it lasted about an hour…. 

The next time I lasted a little over 20 hours…

SO anyway…

Saw my doctor for other various health problems and he has been saying that Medicaid will soon be making people who don’t loose enough weight to get weight loss surgery.
I thought about it long and hard… Consulted with Mom, Dad, Justin, even tried to ask Mark (at 3 he is understandably not concerned.)
Seems that Monday I have my first meeting, I can’t wait!
UPDATE: my insurance just dropped me…. Damnit… I can't wait to be on the phone for hours...

Here is a squirrel I stole from Reddit...

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