Friday, March 23, 2012

A Small Apology

I have not updated and I apologize. I have been a very sad little girl. Depression is a real thing and it is a real bitch…

I was let go from my receptionist job and have been unemployed since then.

As if that weren’t enough of a blow to my self esteem, I have been gaining weight and getting painfully achy…
I have been unmotivated and uninspired.

I have had all the time in the world to get shit done and I have squandered it.

For that I must ask for forgiveness. Though I cannot forgive myself.

A thousand good and horrible ideas have flown in and out of my mind. I have let them go…
We took a weekend daytrip down to the coast. That was fun but opened a huge can of worms once I saw the pictures. I hated what I saw! I had honestly fancied myself quite good looking in the new dress I had bought. But I really looked like some kind of giant naval pole…

As I am writing this tomorrow is Saturday. Justin and I are going to a party in the evening and I hope I can figure out what to wear so I don’t look like a blimp. (Or feel that I look like a blimp)
Thank you for reading and I hope that you have a wonderful day!!!

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