Monday, August 22, 2011

First Day!

Well, today was my son's first day of school!

He is turning three tomorrow!!! I can’t believe it! We rushed him over to the teacher’s aide and then left. Mind you he was only gone for about three hours but man, it felt so odd to have him out of the house.

I had to deal with the whole ‘what am I going to do with myself’ thing going on (I am sure that I will get over that soon! Lol) also there was the whole ‘my constant buddy is gone’ feeling as well. I am so happy that he did seem to like it a lot.

Picking him up was ‘fun’. He didn’t want to leave!!! I couldn’t believe it! He seemed exhausted, sitting on the floor like the rest of his classmates, about to doze off it seemed. He fought me to get in the car seat. I could not ask him about his day (he yelled). He didn’t want to get out of the car and indicated that he wanted to go back to school.

OMG! His paperwork BRB!!!

Happy to report that he got all smiley faces today! I wrote a note to his teacher about if she needs anything to call me or my mother.

In other news, I got my first eye exam since the last on that is mandated by the state in school! I still have perfect vision, but due to eye fatigue I will be needing glasses for small workings and computer dealings. Found a really cute and free pair at the cheap eye store so that was great! They are black and square. I’ll post pics when I get them.

Turns out I have an astigmatism in both my eyes (my left has it worse). Basically it means that my eyeballs are not spheres like they ‘should’ be. They are more egg or oval shaped. All it really means is that contact lenses are not an option (that is more personal choice than anything else, I have read so many horror stories about people trying to remove their cornea EEEWWWWW!!!!!) and that I have a slightly blurry spot in my eyes.

The whole time I could not stop thinking about on Family Guy; Aladdin IV: Jafar May need glasses.

Except my doctor was awesome! It was a lady and she was just lovely. Her office is on 6011 S Flores. If you get a chance to go please do so! Dr. Ramirez-Shank is an amazing doctor with a pleasant staff. Don’t let the address fool you, it is BEAUTIFUL inside. Hard-wood floors and plush leather furniture. The whole place is very modern and classy. Seriously, when your eyes are bugging you go to her she will take very good care of you!

Google Maps and other information. (I am not being paid, I just love them!!!)

I get to pick my new glasses up tomorrow. Mark’s birthday is tomorrow as well! Wish me luck I have no idea when I am going to sleep.

I forgot to mention that I started a type of internship at university hospital! It is wonderful! I am going to be there from 3pm to 11pm. I am already a night owl, so I hope this works out!

I must be off have some hugs and loves!

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